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Published: 13-Oct-12
High APR Savings Account
Many banks, whether they are online or local, now offer high APR savings accounts. The point of these accounts is to give you place to set aside money and see it grow. You should put money in a savings account in order to work toward something, such as a vacation or just to provide an emergency fund for yourself. A high APR savings account will help you achieve this goal.

There has been a shift to the online side of the spectrum because of the convenience it offers. Most savings accounts are meant to be "piggy-back accounts." This means they are attached to one or more accounts you already have, and you can move your money from account to account as you wish. That being said, some savings accounts do have a limit on the number of transfers you can make in a given time frame.

What the banks consider high yield and what you have in mind are more than likely going to be different. When the bank says high APR savings account, they really mean it is a competitive savings account. Any bank can offer savings, but some try to offer the highest interest rate so that people will let their money rest in that particular bank.

While banks want people to leave their money in the bank?s care, they may not offer high APR saving accounts to everyone. There may be things you need to do in order to qualify for an account like this. Large initial deposits and a high minimum balance may be some of the qualifications.

When you are looking for a high APR savings account, you will want to seek out the highest interest rate. Obviously, the higher the interest rate, the faster your money will grow. When you find a rate that you like, ask the bank if you qualify for it. If they say no, don?t be afraid to go somewhere else. Remember that the bank benefits from your money sitting in their care, so you should make them work for it. Negotiate a high APR savings account if you can, and don?t stop shopping until you are satisfied that you are getting the best rate possible.

Online banks may be able to offer you higher rates just because they don?t have the overhead of traditional banks. Shopping around them isn?t a bad idea at all.

If you have found a high APR savings account that you like, do some research on the bank. If you haven?t worked with them before, run a search on them and see what comes up. Find some reviews written by real people and make sure this bank is one that makes good on their promises. Also make sure that the bank is FDIC insured, no matter if they are online or local.

By arming yourself with lots of information on getting a high APR savings account, you will be able to make the right decision when it comes to where to put your money. When you know you have chosen the right high APR savings account, you will rest easy knowing your money is safe and growing for you.

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